Since 2004 DROOM manage and administrate the Home and Community Based Care programme in the Hessequa area. This project was previously known as the EU-project (European Union). The Department of Health gradually took over the funding from the EU and since 2009 the Department of Health is fully responsible for the funding of the project. In co-operation with the local clinic (PGS) we supply home base care in - Riversdale, Vermaaklikheid, Heidelberg and Slangrivier, Witsand. A NPO coordinator, supervisor and 26 Community care workers are employed.
The Western Cape Government (WCG) Health Department aims to strengthen its collaboration with non-profit organisations (NPOs) through the creation of formalised partnerships for health and wellness-promoting service delivery across various care settings.
• HCBC services consist of interventions that focus on wellness, health promotion, prevention of ill health and self-management support to empower clients and/or primary caregivers to take care of their own health at home. Wellness, health promotion and prevention of ill health are integral components of Primary Health Care re-engineering approach and are aligned to the Health Department’s long term strategy, Healthcare 2030.
• Community Health Workers (previously referred to as Community Care Workers) will be taken through a Basic Level 1 Accredited as well as a refresher/short course.
HCBC recognises people’s capacity for self-help and involves a comprehensive range of context specific interventions that positively influence environmental and personal factors such as psychosocial abilities, coping abilities, lifestyle issues, behaviour patterns and habits. It is an array of interventions that support the actions people take to maintain health and well-being; prevent illness and accidents; care for minor health problems/ailments and long term conditions; and recovers from periods of acute illness and hospitalisation.
HCBC services are provided to patients in their own home or an alternate living environment offering individual assessment and interventions supporting admission avoidance, faster recovery from illness, timely discharge from hospital and achievement and maintenance of optimal functioning. Wellness, health promotion and prevention of ill health consists of an array of interventions that support the actions people take to maintain health and wellbeing, prevent illness and accidents, care for minor health problems/ailments and long term conditions.
The goal of HCBC is to prevent unplanned visits to health services through high-quality and appropriate care that helps the user population to maintain their independence and achieve the best possible quality of life.
• To promote health and prevent illnesses and disability
• To mobilize around community needs
• To screen every household in a designated catchment area and refer household members to existing services
• To provide psychosocial support to households
• To provide education and advice on minor health problems
• To support those who have long-term conditions, particularly with correct medicine usage
• To support wellness-promoting, including health, programs in schools and ECD centers
• To support continuum of care (for example, by signposting people to information about local health and care services and how to access them)
HCBC services include screening and referral; assessment; care planning; interventions/treatments; and monitoring & review.
• Maternal and New-born Health
• Child and Adolescent Health
• Sexual and Reproductive Health
• Healthy Adults and Ageing
• Dehospitalized Care – no longer than six weeks
• Adherence of all treatments:
• TB
• Chronic medication – PACK
• Immunization
• Support to off-sites